Rosehip oil


The rosehip oil is obtained from the seeds of the rosehip (Rosa Moschata L.) by pressure or extraction, and then refined (refined rosehip oil). In general, it is stabilized by adding natural vitamin E.

Rosehip (the fruit) (whose ancient term in German was Hüffe) is a term used to describe the ovary that develops from the rose flower. The wild fruit probably originated from the bushes of the common dogrose (Rosa canina L.) and the rose ‘Kamchatka’ (Rosa rugosa L.). Rosehip bushes are currently growing throughout Europe, reaching heights of up to 4 m. They are also grown in temperate regions of South America (mainly in Chile). The exact origin of the rose hip is not known, but it is suspected that it is native to Chile.

The fruit is harvested in the dry season, just when it is beginning to ripen. At this stage, it is red, but it has not yet hardened. When it is raw, the red or orange-red rosehip fruit has a pleasant and fresh taste. When it is cooked, it provides a jam with a characteristic taste or a juice rich in vitamin C. Alternatively, you can also produce wine or rosehip liqueur from the crushed and fermented rosehip. The dried fruits are used to produce rosehip tea, which has a pleasant acid taste. However, the woody hairs at the base of the flower should be removed at first, since they can cause itching (production of pica-pica powder). This process is easy to perform.

The oil is also obtained from the fruit (about 9% oil content in the seed), by mechanical pressing or by extraction, and then the oil is usually refined. Rosehip seed oil is clear, transparent, yellow (occasionally described as ‘wild rose oil’) emits a faint odor and is rich in oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. It can not be preserved for a long time, due to its marked unsaturated character. As a result, the product that is marketed in a stabilized form is presented as natural vitamin E. The rosehip oil is absorbed very well and quickly by the skin, and has anti-inflammatory and hypoallergenic actions.

In the pharmaceutical market, rosehip seed oil is used for the treatment of dry, scaly or cracked skin. It is also used to treat eczema, psoriasis, highly pigmented skin and scars, and also as a supplement to treat burns and bruises. The oil of rosehip seed is very suitable to be used as a base for the treatment of the skin of the third age, but it is not suitable for people with oily skin. In the cosmetic industry, rosehip oil is used for ointments and creams (at night).


Rosehip oil, refined

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Rosehip oil, organic

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Rosehip oil, cold pressed

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